Our Impact

We have worked diligently for almost a decade to provide food and aid to poor Filipinos. Each year at Christmas time, we distribute meals to hundreds of families living on the streets of Manila. To date, we have distributed over 3,000 meals.

We also design, sponsor, and conduct free health workshops for the general public. These workshops promote health, Christian formation, education, and occupational training among. We continually look for new ways to provide

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… Life Saving Surgeries

To date, we have funded and facilitated life-saving open-heart surgeries for four children in the Philippines. These families were unable to pay for these surgeries on their own. Now they have a solid chance at a full and healthy life. We hope to be able to fund many more of these surgeries in the coming months and years.


Future Plans…

There is no comprehensive vaccine program in the Philippines. PPFF is planning to sponsor and establish an immunization program open to the general public. We will establish tent clinics in the Manila area and provide vaccinations to the street families of Manila to promote disease resistance among Filipinos. The immunization program will align with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) vaccine and immunization schedule.